Sunday, May 6, 2012

So... yesterday was a long day.  Our furry kid, that is 12 years old, had to have TPLO surgery on her cruciate and is going to be on a long recovery schedule.  Good thing she is a Lab, because her sweet disposition makes everything so much easier.  She has been resting comfortably and compensating for the immobilization of her leg quite well.  I cannot wait for the weather to warm up so that we can take her swimming.  She loves that and it will be great therapy for her.

Last night, my son has his Senior prom and he and his girlfriend were absolutely stunning.

It's so hard to see your children grow up sometimes.  The day he was born, there was a beautiful little girl in the nursery that was contently staring at him in his bassinet.  I remember thinking then, that no one will ever be good enough for him.  I was wrong.  He has been blessed with an incredibly wonderful young lady that is absolutely perfect.  And I am so proud of them both.  I'd swear it was only yesterday that I was walking him to his first day of kindergarten and bawling my eyes out.  And now, he graduates in a month. Where does the time go?  Is there anything more fulfilling than to see your child grow into a wonderful adult, full of compassion, love and a zest for life?  I think not.  My heart is bursting with pride and love for him.

Days like this are not frequent enough, so I am going to enjoy every moment of the joy this brings, as tomorrow will be here soon enough and bring with it, a whole other cast of characters and storyline.  Not to say that is a bad thing, but being the mother of 5 kids, it can generally guarantee some level of drama.  If I have a vote, I'll take simple entertainment.

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